
Lost in Joshua Tree with Scott (Dec 12, 2009)

The idea was to go on a hike, who knew he was gonna cross out a destination on my checklist.

Got up at 7am, loaded Sophia with some Justin Timberlake, stopped for half a dozen of doughnuts for breakfast, and headed south to Costa Mesa to meet up with the Scott. Left the OC at around 830am, doughnuts and coffee in hand. This is gonna be a wonderful day!

After about 3 hours of driving in the rain, hello Joshua Tree! You seem well and dry :( hopes of playing with mud in the desert dead in an instant. The wonderful thing about nature, there are never repeat experiences despite the repeat locations.

It's so easy to get lost. Bring a friend (preferably someone you can stand for many, many hours in case you get lost or a flash light), bring a map (even if it's gonna rain, MORE SO IF ITS GONNA RAIN!), bring food (nothing that will attract the coyotes please!).

Creatures of the desert. Pile of poop or lovers turned into stone?

Giant Palm Trees, beware!!!

How amazing was it?? Let's just say he's been there enough times to possibly have a good idea of the trails and such, but we still got lost. Hah. The 4 hour hike turned into an 8 hour one and we ended up with quite the exercise. On that note, the giant palm tree trail is a dead end..

With so much trust and confidence that the Scott knows what's going on, I walk into the wilderness with him without asking questions. The moment we realize that we were lost, all confidence is lost as well. Here's roughly how it went:
J: You hike a lot, don't you have a GPS?
S: Yeah, but I left it at home.
J: Why?
S: I thought it was gonna rain, I didn't want it to get wet.
J: What?
S: Sorry
J: Hmmm, how bout a map?
S: I left it at home, too.
J: Because you didn't want it to get wet?
S: (smiles in embarrassment) Yeah.
J: Don't they have any in the ranger station? Why didn't we get some, it'll prolly be cheap.
S: It's free.

My legs were sore all week from the walking.

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